Can a global push alleviate lawyer burnout?

Burnout in the legal profession is a global phenomenon. Structural and behavioural changes that transform how lawyers work are touted as the way forward.

By - 9 min read

Will lawyers exercise the right to disconnect?

Whether the legal profession takes advantage depends on an openness to culture change and reimagining client relationships.

By - 9 min read

Acting, Aristotle, and the art of persuasion for lawyers

Perhaps unsurprisingly, there are a number of acting schools and private teachers offering courses and tuition to lawyers on how to operate in a courtroom…

By - 8 min read

Finding ‘The Third Space’

The transition between our work and home lives is something that does not always come naturally.

By - 4 min read

What does a typical panellist on PCAP look like?

Find out more about the Professional Conduct Advisory Panel and how they can help.

By - 2 min read

Law firms look for competitive edge with neurodiverse thinkers

As law firms battle for an edge in Australia’s fiercely competitive sector, experts are urging employers to harness the talents of neurodiverse workers.

By - 9 min read

Is it stress or anxiety?

Determining which one you are experiencing is important to ensure effective management.

By - 3 min read

The case for taking self-care seriously

It might sound like the domain of chilled-out people with time on their hands, but self-care is exactly what busy lawyers need in times of…

By - 8 min read

Rethinking retirement at law firms

As Australia’s workforce ages, experts say there are a host of ways to harness and retain the talents of older workers in the legal profession.

By - 8 min read

Fending off work addiction

Work-life balance may seem like an impossible dream but recovery is the secret sauce that keeps burnout at bay.

By - 9 min read